If you’re familiar with our best selling S201 stainless steel device you’ll know that the ornate design is closed off with prison bars around the head of the cage. It’s secure, comfortable, easy to remove using the sliding lock mechanism and very affordable. How can you get better than that? Well, we got our thinking caps on and decided that a different locking system might offer something that’s appealing to anyone who’s ever considered permanent chastity.
Screw lock systems have plenty of advantages over barrel or sliding lock options. For a start, the smaller space required for the screw lock means less material making up the kit, which will save material weight. Why is this important? A lighter kit can easily make you forget that you’re wearing a device. While I like to regularly remind slave D that he’s caged for me by making him wear a heavier cage, I understand the appeal of a lightweight version that you can lock and forget about.
A hex lock screw uses an allen key to both lock and unlock the cage. The centre lock is very accessible for keyholders and self locked wearers, although it does take longer to screw into place than our barrel lock kits. If time isn’t a consideration the end result is a very secure cock cage.
Adding the optional adjustable waist strap will keep the whole kit pressed comfortably into your body when you wear it. Some of our customers worry about metal cages drooping forwards, so the addition of a strap will minimise that. The strap securely attaches to the ring on both sides then you adjust it to comfortably fit around your waist. As an added bonus the waist strap should fit any of the circular back rings in our S200 range, so if you already own one of those cages or you’re looking to buy a few devices you’ll only need one.