Well hello there! I’m Mistress K, the better half of Slave D and Mistress of the illustrious House of Denial (if I do say so myself.) Having been in a long-term chastity relationship and keyholder for over a decade, I offer my perspectives on new ranges we offer our wonderful customers, and provide wrap-around support to Slave D (sometimes literally) for the day-to-day work of running the site.
Slave D complains I crack the whip, but he loves it really, don’t let him tell you otherwise.
I’m not as prolific as Slave D on our blog - the man loves to write smut, and I love him for it. You’ll tend to see works from me about the educational and psychological side of chastity, BDSM and chastity-led relationships or when I’m reviewing something kinky or smutty that brings my filthy heart joy.
My expertise, besides living in a chastity-led kink relationship as the keyholder for Slave D, is customer service (steady now, not like that), expected levels of Domme-boss ass energy including management skills and a background in words and literature. She’s an educated woman.
You might also come across me when you reach out to us through admin@houseofdenial.com as I work on answering your questions, your queries and your conundrums. Whenever we start getting recurring questions coming up, then I work on starting to pull together a blog post about it to help future customers who visit the site. It’s the circle of liiiiiiife!
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