What a lucky time of year it is to be a chaste slave, out of Locktober and straight into NOvember! A whole month of being locked away in chastity with no access to your genitals and the countdown to release feeling like an eternity. 1st November finally comes around and your Dom(me) permits you release from your cage but surprises you with a new challenge… No orgasms for the whole of November!
How would you deal with this challenge? Could you remain mentally chaste without physical restriction or would you be locking straight back into your most secure cage?
November is the perfect time for introducing an element of Tease and Denial into your relationship, whether you have a D/s, M/s, switch or mainly vanilla dynamic, combining tease with orgasm control can be an exciting way to spice things up when it comes to No-Nut-November.
Do you have the will-power to abstain from climaxing even when your partner is doing their best to repeatedly bring you to the edge? If this sounds like something for you, I’m sure you’ll enjoy my post about orgasm control and tease and denial. Combining these suggestions with NOvember is the perfect reward for any submissive coming out of Locktober!
What is No Nut November?
An internet challenge, which started around 2010, in which participants abstain from masturbation and orgasm during the month of November. The challenge, originally started in satire, gained traction during 2017 when it caught on as a trend on social media and has since been picked up by many online chastity fans, both Dom(me)s and slaves.
Those of us who are especially of the sadistic dominant variety love to end locktober by going straight into No-Nut-November, either with or without the use of a chastity device.

Where did you hear about No-Nut-November?
Here at House of Denial it was Slave D who first introduced me to the concept a few years ago, but like with many things, once you’ve heard about something you begin to see it everywhere!
I almost had to do a double take recently when watching the new season of the Netflix show Big Mouth as they started off their new season with an episode titled, you guessed it, “No Nut November”.
Big Mouth is an adult themed cartoon comedy which follows a group of teenage 7th graders as they navigate their way through the wonders and horrors of puberty.
Photo Credit: IMDB
Chastity in Pop Culture
Big Mouth Season 5, Episode 1 re-starts the popular TV series with an episode focused around character Jay begging his friends to join him in the month-long ‘No-Nut-November’ challenge to help take his mind off his ex-girlfriend.
While this show is notoriously known for dealing with all things sex related, I was still surprised to see something which I thought was still a nuanced genre of kink. It would seem, however, that chastity in many forms is more regularly making it to our TV screens and being widely brought into pop culture.
Until recently, I thought of chastity as having a certain stigma attached and something that was only talked about within the kink/fetish/BDSM scene amongst well experienced ‘players’. But it would appear chastity is a much more widely known and talked about subject than I originally thought.
Just this weekend I was visiting (mainly vanilla) friends and when asked what I do for work I disclosed writing for House Of Denial. Not only was no-one shocked, but all four men in the room knew about the site and each had some experience playing with chastity. I was very pleasantly surprised and many interesting conversations followed!
Earlier this year, the show “Too Hot To Handle” made its debut on Netflix. The American-British dating show is based around ten attractive, young adults brought together on a luxurious island under the premise of a dating game. As the plot evolves, these flirtatious participants, known for their meaningless flings and sexual promiscuity, are all forbidden from any form of kissing, sexual contact or self-gratification in the hopes of fostering genuine connections. The contestants start with a grand prize of $100,000 that gets reduced every time a rule is broken.
While (sadly) no physical chastity devices are worn during this show, the concept of chastity is the core theme throughout.
Photo Credit: Netflix
These recent shows have got me wondering, just how soon will we start to see the use of chastity devices on TV? Personally, I’d love to see a reality TV show where each contestant is locked in a cage for the duration, and only through winning competitions and attending workshops do they earn any release or reward. Perhaps devices such as The Beast would be perfectly fitting for such a show?!
How do you feel about chastity and pop culture? Do you enjoy seeing kinks/fetishes such as this normalised amongst society or do you enjoy the secrecy and taboo nature of chastity? Are there more shows I’ve missed that use chastity and abstinence as a key theme? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below or by tweeting us at @HouseofDenial and @Mistress_Thorne.
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