Chastity Stories: Male Chastity and Femdom #2 1/2

It's fair to say that Mistress K has a (reasonably) unhealthy online shopping addition. Her purchases range from homeware, clothing, lingerie and shoes. So many pairs of shoes. On occasion a few packages will be delivered to our home in plain packaging addressed to Mistress K. She's fully aware that when I see packages addressed this way it gets me excited as the contents are nearly always kink related.

On a very hectic Monday morning a few weeks ago a knock on our front door interrupted me as I packed orders received over the prior weekend. Our always enthusiastic postman handed over yet another bundle of packages before disappearing swiftly down the road to continue his round. As I closed the door I noticed the label on the top package had “Mistress K” printed in bold text at the top. She hadn't mentioned buying anything new for our play sessions, but this wasn't unusual as she generally likes to keep these things a surprise for me. I'm a naturally curious person, especially so when it comes to our kink life. Containing my excitement has been made much easier when my cock is caged, but on this occasion my cock was free and got very hard.

I bound up the stairs, dropped a few packages in my office then ascended the stairs again to find Mistress K in her office typing responses to customer messages. In my hands I held 2 packages and a box, all addressed to Mistress K.

“Mistress, some packages have arrived for you” I announced. Without looking at me she pointed to the floor with her index finger. The blood red varnish painted onto her nails glinted in the natural light pouring through the skylight and I sank to my knees as she lowered her finger towards the floor. I lowered my head and presented the packages with outstretched arms. The sound of keys clicking on her keyboard continued and my arms began to shake from the weight of the parcels in my hands. After a few minutes I put the packages on the floor so that I could rest my aching arms. I immediately felt the snap of her crop on my hand. “Pick them up” she ordered, her tone strict without raising her voice. Without a moment's thought the packages were in my hands and raised to head height with my arms shaking in front of me. “Clearly you need to train your arms slave,” Mistress commented as she continued to type. “There's no time like the present. Hold them until I instruct you otherwise."

After another 5 minutes of holding the packages my left arm shook uncontrollably and the package on the top of the stack slipped off. The sound of keys tapping instantly stopped and her chair swivelled round to face me. “This is very disappointing slave. I thought I'd trained you much better than this. Or do you have issues following instructions?!” Her voice gradually raised in volume as she spoke and my legs began to shake with shame.

“Put the packages neatly on my desk, turn around and present your bare arse to me, now,” Mistress ordered. I reached over to pick up the fallen package before standing and carefully placing the packages in front of Mistress on her desk. She didn't look at me while I did this and I could tell she was disappointed with me. I turned around, dropped my jeans to my ankles and bent over once I was back on the floor. A desk draw opened behind me; the sound of the draw sliding open on its runners was unmistakeable. A number of items were placed on the desk and a squeaking sound of a latex glove being put on made my cock hard again. Mistress squirted some lubricant from a bottle over her gloved fingers then circled them around my exposed arsehole. My hungry hole puckered continuously with each circling motion and swallowed each digit as they slid inside me. I started to enjoy her penetrating me and felt slightly confused that I was being rewarded for my failure. My enjoyment was short lived.

“I bought some very nice new things for our play session tonight night slave. Unfortunately it doesn't appear that you deserve to see your Mistress in the new items that are now sat here in front of me” she calmly said as her fingers stretched to loosen my arse. “You have no idea how much this is upsetting me. I was so looking forward to getting dressed up in my new outfit. Instead you've failed to follow my orders and I now have to punish you." In what felt like a split second she pulled her fingers out of my arse and pushed a plug into the vacant hole. Two quick pumps filled the plug with air and I soon realised that Mistress was expanding it. Another pump swelled the plug even more and I clenched my fist to deal with the increasing pressure. “Unclench your hand and put them both out flat in front of you slave,” Mistress barked as she pumped twice more. I gripped the carpet grasping for anything to ease the strain. A moan escaped my lips and a harsh open palm spanked my arse cheek. “Up on your knees,” Mistress commanded. A shiny red ball gag was thrust into my mouth and secured tightly behind my head the second I raised to my knees. A padlock snapped shut locking the gag to my head.

Mistress K's phone buzzed on her desk. I heard her sit back in her chair and unlock her phone to read the message that had just been received.

“Good girl,” Mistress said seductively into her phone before sending the sound byte via message to her new slave girl. She placed her phone back on the desk and pumped the plug twice, stretching the bulb in my arse to capacity. I bit down hard on the gag and my finger nails dug further into the carpet. “Why can't you be as obedient as my new slave girl?” Mistress whispered in my ear. “She just sent me a picture of the chastity belt I fitted to her 3 days ago locked securely around her waist. Maybe I should let her see me wearing my new outfit tomorrow when I see her instead of you. She does follow my orders and hasn't failed with a single task that has been set to her so far.” I remained silent, instead focusing on the huge bulb that had now completely filled my arse.

Mistress rose from her chair and stepped in front of me. “Up on your knees,” Mistress commanded. As I got to my knees my rock hard cock quickly drew her attention away from the drool flowing from the gag. Her frown sent shivers down my spine. She quickly turned her back and walked downstairs. I waited on my knees, the carpet making them burn slightly.

The sound of high heels on a hard wood floor is a very familiar sound to me. The click of heels walking across our bedroom disappeared, replaced with the creek of stairs being ascended. Mistress emerged in the door way of her office wearing a pair of shiny black pointed patent leather high heels. The spiked metal heels sparkled brightly as she slowly walked towards me. “Get on your back and spread your legs wide apart” Mistress instructed. I obeyed and the plug pressed further inside me, bringing a tear to my eye.

“I think you're enjoying this far too much slave,” Mistress K declared. “That ends now." The point of her right heel connected directly between my swollen balls and I screamed into the gag. The pain was instant and I felt immediately winded. Knowing exactly how I'd react to this blow Mistress dug her right heel into my left wrist to prevent me from gripping my stomach. My fingers again clutched the carpet below me as Mistress raised her left leg and burrowed her spiked heel into my throbbing shaft.

“I don't remember giving you permission to get my cock nice and hard. Were you foolishly expecting that if you got my cock hard that you'd be allowed to cum? I think it's time that we locked my cock up in its cage so that you're not tempted to pleasure yourself with something that doesn't belong to you. If you can't control my cock I'll just have to take it away from. Permanently.” Mistress proclaimed as I felt the cock between my legs quickly shrink.

With her spiked heel still firmly embedded in my deflating shaft Mistress reached over to the desk and put on a new latex glove over her manicured hand, followed by two squirts of lubricant. With her free hand Mistress slid the top drawer open and pulled out my new chastity cage; The Beast. She looked down at the now flaccid cock under her heel and covered it in lubricant with her gloved hand once she'd knelt down. Mistress pulled her cock and balls through the metal ring before pushing the stainless steel cage over her cock. With the cage and ring perfectly aligned she removed the padlock from the key hanging on a chain around her neck, snapped it shut and lifted the cage in her hand to inspect it. With a gap at the end of the cage it left perfect access to the head of the penis. Mistress took advantage of this by running her nail across the exposed head before teasing her finger over the urethral orifice at the tip of her cock. I inhaled deeply as Mistress appeared to want to penetrate my urethra with her finger, but as my eyes bulged and my arsehole tightened around the plug she laughed and stood up tall above me.

“Get up,” was her next order. My legs were still wobbly after the kick to my balls, but I gradually got to my feet and stood with my legs slightly apart in front of her. She eyed me up and down, smiled and sat back down in her chair. “Go and finish your work. I'll deal with you later”.

With the plug in my arse and the gag still in my mouth I descended the stairs to my office. The pump for the plug swung between my legs and her cock ached in the hard metal chastity cage.

Over the following 3 hours I couldn't sit down to work due to the plug, had to control my breathing due to the gag and still managed to pack all of the orders received. It was challenging, but I did it.

Throughout the same 3 hours Mistress appeared to keep very busy too. At one point she walked downstairs, locked the bathroom door and ran the bath. Instead of washing herself I heard the sound of rubber squeaking as it was treated in the bath tub. I also heard the packaging being ripped off the parcels that I took up to her earlier.

After the work day had finished I returned to my office as my phone buzzed. It was a message from Mistress K. The message read “Task List. 1. Clean the bathroom and put fresh towels in there. 2. Cook me dinner and serve with a glass of white wine. 3. Shower yourself and kneel on the bathroom floor till I come to get you. Message me after each task is completed."

I started by cleaning the bathroom as I was instructed to do before leaving fresh towels hanging on the radiator. I could smell Vivishine in the air still and I cleaned a coating of it from the bottom of the bath tub. Once I'd finished I messaged Mistress K to let her know my task had been completed. “Good boy,” was the response.

As I descended the stairs to the kitchen I heard Mistress walk into the bathroom and lock the door. The last thing I heard before closing the kitchen door was the shower being turned on.

For dinner I cooked a simple risotto paired with a glass of Mistress's favourite white wine. Before the meal had been cooked the bathroom door opened upstairs and Mistress closed our bedroom door behind her. Just before the meal had finished cooking I lit a candle and served it at our kitchen table. I then messaged Mistress again to let her know the task had been completed. My phone buzzed. “Come upstairs and kneel in front of the bedroom door.” I did as I was told.

The door to our bedroom swung open after I'd been kneeling outside the door for a few minutes. Mistress K stood before me wearing only a white towel wrapped round her perfect body, tucked in between her ample breasts.

“Hands down, arse up”. Mistress K walked behind me, crouched down and released the valve allowing the air in the anal plug to escape. She carefully removed it from my arse and held it in front of me. I took it from her as she unlocked the ball gag and removed it from my mouth. Without saying another word Mistress glided past me and went down the stairs. Not having the plug in my arse felt almost strange after nearly 4 hours. I missed it a little.

Once the kitchen door closed I got up off the floor and headed for a shower. I scrubbed my nearly naked body in the hot water cascading from the shower head above me and dried myself thoroughly once I'd finished. Before I finished towelling off my phone buzzed. “I left you something to wear. Check the gift box below the sink. Get dressed”. I hadn't noticed the box before, but I picked it up and placed it next to the sink. Could it be some new latex? A new blindfold to mess with me maybe? It was neither of these things.

The contents of the box included a hand written note. I picked the items up and felt slightly confused. Had she made a mistake? The answer to this was quickly cleared up when I unfolded the note.

“Slave. Seeing as I own the penis hanging between your legs it's time you started to learn what it's like to feel more feminine. Put on the thong, suspender belt and stockings then message me a picture taken in the full length mirror. Mistress K x”. The red and black lace underwear set were paired with a pair of seemed black stockings. I didn't hesitate and slipped the smooth stockings over my legs and pulled on the suspender belt and lace thong, which cut between my arse cheeks. Attaching the clips on the suspender belt to the stockings took some time, but I finally managed it.

I looked at myself in the full length mirror and felt incredibly sexy. It was completely unexpected, but the smooth stockings felt fantastic on my legs. I snapped the picture and sent it to Mistress K before kneeling on the floor to await her entrance.

A few minutes passed and the familiar sound of high heels once again clicked on the hard wood floor of our bedroom. I heard the bedroom door open and the slow tap of each heel walking down the hall towards the bathroom door filled me with anticipation. My heart began to race and my legs started to shake.

“Close your eyes,” Mistress K said from outside the closed bathroom door. I closed my eyes and responded “Yes Mistress." With my eyes closed I heard the door slowly opened. The heels clicked on the floor in front of me and a thick black blindfold was placed over my eyes. A heavy metal collar was then secured around my neck and locked shut. The cold metal making contact with my warm skin made me shudder and my heart raced even quicker. The sound of a click just below my chin was quickly followed by a sudden jerk forwards. Mistress had attached a lead to my collar and was now pulling me along behind her towards our bedroom, my knees burning with each impact as I crawled on the floor.

“Stand up,” Mistress demanded. I jumped to my feet and was lead slowly through the bedroom doorway. The door was closed behind me before I was lead further forwards into the room.

“Do you trust me slave?”

“Yes Mistress. I trust you unconditionally,” was my response.

“Correct answer.”

Suddenly both of her hands connected violently with my bare chest and I fell backwards onto the bed behind me. The sensation of falling disorientated me and my heart almost pounded out of my chest. A firm boot pressed on the chastity cage between my legs, which snapped my focus back with a shot of pain.

“Well, well, well. Don't you look pretty in your new panties slave? You know how much I love to see a man in lingerie and seeing as I have full ownership of that pathetic cock between your legs I thought it was about time you learnt to dress like a lady.”

Mistress ran her nimble fingers down my chest, stomach and over the suspender belt. I felt the thong pulled to one side exposing the chastity cage that bulged beneath it. Her fingers continued down towards my inner thighs, which caressed the stockings as they moved further down to my ankles, then up the back of my legs along the seams. Her excited moans made her cock twitch and strain against the confines of the cage.

“There is one thing missing, slave. Don't go anywhere.” Mistress stepped off the bed and the aroma of polished latex suddenly hit me. Was she wearing something new that I hadn't seen her in before? I would find out very soon.

“No lady is complete without a pair a high heels, and you will be no different.” As she finished saying this her hand lifted my left ankle and a shoe was slipped onto my foot. The same happened to my right foot.

“Lift your knees up to your chest.” I raised my knees and felt heel tips digging into the bed below me.

“Learning to walk in high heels might take some time, slave. Unfortunately for you I'm very impatient and you're going to learn much quicker than some of the sissy sluts I've trained previously. Firstly, we need to make sure that you don't get frustrated or your legs get tired and you decide to flick them off.” Something wrapped under the shoe on my left foot and tightened on the top of my foot. The sound was quite high pitched and I struggled to recognise it. Once the same had been done to my right foot I realised what Mistress had done. She had zip tied the heels to my feet so that I couldn't remove them.

I felt a tension in the lead attached to my collar and I was pulled forwards to the edge of the bed.

“Stand up. Now,” barked Mistress K. I planted my heeled feet on the ground and balanced on my new shoes. The extra height was a little disorientating, but with the help of Mistress I maintained my balance and took two steps forwards. I always heard heel first, then toe when Mistress trained her sissy slaves and I tried to keep this in mind.

“Good boy,” Mistress purred. “I'm very impressed. Take two more steps forwards and turn around." I did exactly what I was told, cautiously stepping forwards and hoping that I didn't topple over. After successfully turning around I stood up tall and placed my arms at my sides.

“Arms above your head." A squeaking noise pierced the silence in the room and I heard something move towards me from above. Suddenly the noise stopped and heel clicks on the floor moved towards me slowly. My wrist was pulled and secured in a leather strap above my head. The second wrist was quickly secured in the same way, spread apart above me. A harsh slap across my arse cheeks buckled my knees, but instead of dropping to my knees I felt tension in my strapped wrists, which were now firmly locked into the mechanical spreader bar dangling from our ceiling.

“Spread your legs”. I gingerly started to edge my feet apart, still weary of losing my footing. I heard Mistress giggle at me as I delicately moved each foot one at a time till I was told to stop.

“Excellent work, slave. Now, let's make sure they stay that way”. A leather strap was attached to each of my ankles followed by a metal spreader bar clipped between them. My calves were tense and already started to ache.

“Don't you look pretty? I've been meaning to buy you a pair of heels for a long time, and last week that's exactly what I did. The box that arrived today contained the heels that are now on your feet. You will not be allowed to remove them until I'm satisfied you can walk like a lady in them. Do you understand slave?” I nodded and responded “Yes Mistress”.

“Two other parcels arrived for me today. Do you know what was inside them?” I shook my head from side to side. “No Mistress."

“Excellent. Well, you're about to find out as I'm wearing the two new latex pieces that I've bought. One I've wanted for a long time. The other I think matches very nicely with it. Would you like to see your latex goddess stood before you slave?” I eagerly nodded my head and begged for her to remove the blindfold.

“Good boy”. She stepped forwards and removed the blindfold....

Black lock and keys set page break

I hope you enjoyed the first part of the story. If you want to see what happens next, you can read part two.

If you've never locked your cock (or someone elses) and this story has inspired you to give it a try we have a massive range of devices available on our store. Prices start from only £11.99 + P&P and we ship worldwide.

Please do post any comments or feedback in the comments below. We both love to read what you think about each and every story that we post.


House Slave D

House Slave D is the co-founder of House of Denial and a long-time chastity lifestyle practitioner with over a decade of experience in BDSM dynamics and relationship trust.

D is passionate about sharing insights into the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of locked cock play. With a commitment to educating others on safe, consensual practices, he aims to build and grow a welcoming community, empowering cage wearers and keyholders (both new and experienced) to explore this wonderful kink with confidence and respect. He also likes snapping pictures and writing filth.



I really enjoyed the story as I sat reading it wearing the cage that arrived today
I hope I can find a dominant like Mistress K to obey her orders and be played with

Mar 14, 2018


Excellent story true to life I hope Such power in surrender and obedience Mistress K

Jan 13, 2018


Great story!
You’re such a lucky boy.
I love having my ass filled with a plug too, and dressing up like a little slut.

Nov 22, 2017

Ian Batty :

Great story. Great site.

Nov 09, 2017

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